I’m a product designer living in Seattle, Washington. I have been doing human-centered design for 10-plus years. I’m most interested and motivated by projects that attempt to make the world a better place in some small–or big!–way.

I have worked on a variety of products and services in education, healthcare, government. Currently doing product design in transportation services with Convoy. I like to work as a generalist, and enjoy the challenge of learning quickly and diving deep into problems.

I am a collaborator. I like to ship product. I think of the product design role in a broad way; its aim to uncover and align human needs and business outcomes.

Before getting into design, I worked on technology and media for people with disabilities.

I earned a Master of Science in Human Centered Design and Engineering from the University of Washington.

Always learning. Love design, music, food, and laughing out loud!

Skill Set Highlights

  • User centered design methods
  • User research
  • Prototyping
  • Usability testing
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Web standards and accessibility
  • Responsive design
  • Sketch, Illustrator, Omnigraffle, Invision
  • Mixpanel, Google Analytics
  • Certified Scrum Product Owner
